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Plastic bag in a sentence

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Sentence count:119Posted:2017-07-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: plasticplasticsplasticityplasticineplastic wrapthermoplasticplastic surgeryplastic explosiveMeaning: n. a bag made of thin plastic material. 
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31. There, taped to the bottom, was a small plastic bag of amphetamines.
32. She was able to remove the plastic bag and swim to shore.
33. If you do not want to scent everything in your refrigerator, keep any ripe melons in a tightly closed plastic bag.
34. There was still a bulge in the bottom of Meredith's plastic bag.
35. Place a plastic bag in your pot and fill with ready mixed cement.
36. To hasten the ripening process, put the persimmons in a plastic bag with an apple, then tie the bag shut.
37. They made him strip, put a plastic bag over his head and then poured petrol over him.
38. Then after filling a plastic bag she popped the lot in the bin.
39. Meanwhile, take cookies and place them in a plastic bag on a flat surface.
40. Another tip for a different effect is to wrap a plastic bag around the roller with a rubber band.
41. Among them was a small cuddly bunny wrapped in a plastic bag against the overnight rain.
42. She put the sales slip in the plastic bag with the dress.
43. She was holding a plastic bag of ice cubes on top of her head.
44. These she carries to and from school daily in a distressed plastic bag and uses continually.
45. Put in the dough and cover with a damp towel or plastic wrap or place the bowl inside a plastic bag.
46. If a toy is wrapped in a plastic bag make sure that you keep the bag out of the reach of children.
47. Never separated from his plastic bag with his macrobiotic food.
48. She died at age 44,( bag.html) with barbiturates in her blood and a plastic bag over her head.
49. Cover with either a damp towel or plastic wrap, or put the bowl into a plastic bag.
50. I see Harry sauntering through the gates wearing a warm coat and carrying a plastic bag.
51. Miguel leaned across and opened the glove compartment, pulling out his fat plastic bag of weed.
52. Work quickly or keep the cutting material in a plastic bag blown up like a balloon and sealed.
53. I snagged the plastic bag, water got in, soaked my socks and the outside froze.
54. Get the Tidi Noir, a light, plastic bag, for garden debris.
55. He inspected the plastic bag, satisfied that its contents had not been touched.
56. All radiocarbon samples should be sealed within a clean container such as a plastic bag at the time of recovery.
57. Return to a clean bowl and cover with damp towel or plastic wrap, or put the bowl inside a plastic bag.
58. When cold, break bread pieces into a plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin until fine.
59. Each plastic bag and drainage tile dropped in the coffin makes the world just that much more beautiful.
60. Dry camel droppings tied in bits of plastic bag were gold and precious gems.
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